Thanks to everyone who has read my blog. It's good to know that it has generated some interest. Thanks to Beth and Tom, Jr for posting it on Facebook. I'm hoping that it will encourage some to at least look into the possibility of donating. And it doesn't have to be a kidney.
Bone marrow/stem cell donors are needed - badly. The recent story about the young mother who needed a bone marrow transplant was very disturbing.
It seems that a call went out for possible donors and many people came in to see if they were a match. Four people actually were a match which is highly unusual. Sadly, all four of them backed out and refused to donate! Why would they do that?
Tragically, the mother died leaving behind two young daughters and a husband.
Why the hell would someone volunteer to be tested as a possible match and then, once you were selected, back out? It's not that big of an ordeal to donate bone marrow or blood cells (which is the method used most often now). It's much less invasive and painfull than kidney or liver donation; and only days to recover.
I've been on a Bone Marrow Donor list since 1994 and would do it in a heartbeat if I was a match for someone in need. Come on folks! There are lots of people out there that can use the help.
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